Very nice batter for their chicken wings, drums, squid. Fluffy Long grain with nice Chili. Come try their out-of-the-norm ingredients for nasi lemak Lobster
Casey Li
U can eat e rice n sambal on it's own. It's that good. So when we ordered e salmon n baramandi (@$9 each), it was icing on e cake.
Shirlyn Ee
Sambal is a good compliment to the dishes. Perhaps a little over hype on the lobster .. batter on the fried chicken drumstick a little too thick , the rice texture is perfect though.
Jess Sapphizen
Not bad with lots of choices, their chicken wings were sold out by 12.30pm! However... I still prefer Changi Village...
Benson Lee
Super awesome lobster nasi lemak, I like the sambal flavor, the price is worth it