DS Dessert-A-Liciouz

The pictures Describe us the best :)

DS Dessert-A-Liciouz contact


address: Blk 299, Singapore 760299



DS Dessert-A-Liciouz opening hours

  • Monday always open
  • Tuesday always open
  • Wednesday always open open
  • Thursday always open
  • Friday always open
  • Saturday always open
  • Sunday always open

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DS Dessert-A-Liciouz information

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DS Dessert-A-Liciouz facebook posts

$99 - [This is a pre-order listing. Assess credibility of sellers before making any payment. When in doubt, please email support. --Carousell Admin] Electric popcorn

DS Dessert-A-Liciouz, 2016.02.01.

Instock instock instock
Chocolate moist cake
1 for $4
3 for $10

Pm now to get urz today!!!
Delivery from $5-$10

Self collection Blk 299 Yishun st 20...
We are open 24 hours just for u this weekend :)


DS Dessert-A-Liciouz, 2016.01.15.


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