LINS Smoodees

Smoothie- és gyümölcslébár
Pioneers in the SG Green blending & juicing movement, you can "Blend Your Own", Pick-up at our Bar or have them Delivered to you every weekday morning!
SMOODEELICIOUS green smoothies to heal your body, mind and soul. No Sugar. No Milk. Just pure Whole Fruits and Organic Leafy Greens! Mission: Helping one to Heal through the Sense of Taste, one green smoodee at a time Vision: Green smoothies will be as commonly found in your diet as coffee, tea and milk is today! About our name:- LINS Smoodees™\' are "Lovingly Infused with Nature\'s Sweetness". Smoothie + Dee! ("Good!" in thai) = SMOODEE สมูดี Twitter & Facebook: linssmoodees Instagram: thehealingconcierge LINS Smoodees is an in-house creation of The Healing Concierge, a business incorporated in Singapore. Watch this space for a public announcement of The Healing Concierge, coming soon! What\'s available at our Studio & Kitchen:- - Green smoodees - Fruit smoodees - Veg juicees - BYO (blend your own) merchandises (including blenders and organic fresh produce) - Assorted Organic Snacks - Green smoodee classes and demonstrations - Popaganda all fruit popsicles - Organic superfoods and sundries The Healing Concierge also hosts Talks, Workshops and Events held by holistic practitioners and wellness coaches where you will get to learn first-hand tips and be supported in your journey of natural healing! THE HEALING CONCIERGE STUDIO & KITCHEN CLOSED ON WEEEKENDS, PUBLIC HOLIDAYS & PRODUCTION TIMES. Refer to @thehealingconcierge for full details.
Helping one to Heal through the Sense of Taste, one green smoodee at a time

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Vani Hari, food activist, creator of and author of the bestselling book The Food Babe Way, shared her story about finding her voice and dealing with…

LINS Smoodees, 2019.01.26.

Going the hempy way today... #milkyway #greensmoodee #hempseeds #vitamineralgreen #spirulina #mango #guava #bananas #lucuma #cinnamon #tumeric #lemon #linssmoodees

LINS Smoodees, 2019.01.25.
