Weekly Specials from 2 Jun till 7 Jun 2020.
Teriyaki Fish with Egg & Rice @ $6.50.
Curry Cafe, 2020.06.02.
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Weekly Specials from 2 Jun till 7 Jun 2020.
Teriyaki Fish with Egg & Rice @ $6.50.
Curry Cafe, 2020.06.02.
Additional menu from 26 May till 31 May 2020.
Nasi Lemak Rice @ $3.30.
(Fish Fillet, Ikan Bilis with peanut and Egg)
For more details about Curry Cafe, log on to www.curry-cafe.com
Curry Cafe, 2020.05.25.
Curry Cafe is on all 3 delivery platforms.There are promotions on going.Please refer to the platforms for details.
Thank you for the support and help us stay afloat during these difficult period.
Curry Cafe, 2020.05.18.
A Gastro.hu együttműködő partnere 2024-ben a Cellini és a MOAK kávé forgalmazója: EspressoShop.hu