Bakery Brera & Fine Foods

Delikát Pékség
Bakery Brera offers freshly baked artisan breads, pastries, tarts and cakes made with fine flours from France and Japan.
Bakery Brera offers freshly baked artisan breads (sourdough, preferment, wholemeal, etc) made with fine flours from France and Japan. We also serve a delectable range of pastries, tarts and cakes made only with the finest ingredients.

Bakery Brera & Fine Foods elérhetősége


Cím: #01-05, Block 8, Empress Mall, Empress Road, Singapore 260008, Singapore, Singapore 260008

Parkolási lehetőség:


Bakery Brera & Fine Foods nyitvatartás

  • Hétfő Zárva
  • Kedd 07:00 - 19:00
  • Szerda 07:00 - 19:00 Nyitva
  • Csütörtök 07:00 - 19:00
  • Péntek 07:00 - 19:00
  • Szombat 07:00 - 19:00
  • Vasárnap 07:00 - 19:00

Bakery Brera & Fine Foods értékelései

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Bakery Brera & Fine Foods alapadatok


$ Alacsony árfekvés

Bakery Brera & Fine Foods facebook posztok

Awakening to some of the things that we take so much for granted...need to re-think about our priorities in life #savefnbsg #byob #byosg #stayhome #shn #orderonline #reducewaste #saynotoplastic #breadwithoutbags #sgunited @projectbecome

Bakery Brera & Fine Foods, 2020.04.15.

Survival mastery - the art of stockpiling
Certain things are more important than others, and that means you need to make sure you have those items in larger quantities.
Stock up and stay home guys.

Bakery Brera & Fine Foods, 2020.04.10.

Yes we are O P E N!
Come masked. Practise safe distancing. BYOB.
: awesome folks at @mccysg

Bakery Brera & Fine Foods, 2020.04.09.
